Information consumption without a purpose is useless.
This mini-saga fable & proverb were written by Chris von Spitzer
Christopher von Spitzer dot com |
A worm decided to read the entire encyclopedia without leaving the library. It spent day and night absorbing every single fact, figure, and date. Finally, the information overloaded worm went outside when a car ran over it because the worm forgot to look left or right before crossing the road.
Information consumption without a purpose is useless. This mini-saga fable & proverb were written by Chris von Spitzer A small acorn was feeling dispirited when her father, the most respected Oak Tree, approached her. His daughter bawled to him, “I could never be a great tree…” Her father then showed her what he wrote years ago, it read: one day you will be the most respected Oak Tree.
A vision is worth a thousand pictures. This mini-saga fable & proverb were written by Chris von Spitzer A grumpy whale was puttering around the ocean with no luck finding food when he came across a particular dolphin. She jumped out of the water, flipped in the air, and dived back with gusto. Spellbound, colorful fish swam around her making it easy for the Dolphin to have food.
Staying grumpy too long can make the road bumpier. This mini-saga fable & proverb were written by Chris von Spitzer |